Eastpark Clinical Trials FAQs

Eastpark Clinical Trials FAQs

This FAQ is intended for research-specific questions related to Eastpark Medical Center. General information, feature stories, press releases, and points of interest about the building and its operations can be found on the Eastpark Medical Center U-Connect page (A U-Connect login is required to access this content).


Where will research be conducted at Eastpark Medical Center?

Research will be integrated into the clinical environment, taking place within any specialty that wants to conduct research at Eastpark. A phased approach will be taken to ensure a smooth transition. Oncology will be the focus for the Phase 1 rollout, going live when the building opens in Fall 2024.


Specifically, there are three “research-specific” spaces within the building:

    • Research Lab – 1st Floor of the South Tower
      • Combined space for the Circulating Biomarker Core, Cancer Pharmacology Lab, and Biobank processing
      • Additional space for non-oncology use, to be activated when non-oncology research goes live


    • Clinical Research Unit (CRU) – 2nd Floor of the South Tower
      • 6 private rooms
      • 8 bays
      • CRU specimen processing lab


    • Research-only exam and consult rooms – 2nd Floor of the North Tower
      • To be used for visits that will not occur within the clinics or CRU, e.g., physical exams, blood draws, consents, etc.
How do we reserve touchdown space in the admin area on the 2nd Floor of the North Tower? What is the workstation setup?

All touchdown space will be reservable via Room Finder in MS Booking. The reservation system will indicate what IS equipment is available in the space.

Where will research staff sit in the clinics?

Space for research staff has been allocated within the Team Workrooms at the back of each clinic module, across the hall from the Team Collaboration space.

What are the building hours?

Core building hours are 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Various departments may have extended hours. Click here for more specific hours of operation.

Which spaces can be scheduled in HealthLink?

Both the CRU and research-only exam rooms will be schedulable in HealthLink.
Touchdown space on the administrative floor (2N) can be reserved through Room Finder on MS Booking (offices and conference rooms). Cubicles will be first come, first served.

Is there an address for 1572's?

4621 Eastpark Blvd., Madison, WI 53718

Will there be any spaces or equipment for performing radiology procedures?

Clinical imaging is available at Eastpark, but there is no space or equipment for radiology-specific research.

If walking, how long does it take to get to the ED at EMH?

Five minutes or less.

Will parking be free for all staff members?

Yes, parking is free for all staff and they are expected to park on levels 4-5 of the parking ramp, or in surface lots.

What are the three phases of go-live at Eastpark?

Click here to learn more about the three phases.


What are ``integrated clinical trials``?

Clinical trials at Eastpark will be streamlined within the clinic environment via integration into clinical workflows and staffing models that meet the needs of  clinical, ancillary, and research teams.


There will be a unified patient experience for clinical trials participants in terms of registration, check-in, wayfinding, etc.


Scheduling of research resources (CRU, research only rooms) will be done in Health Link and patients can view their appointments and instructions on MyChart.


There is an onsite, centralized lab for processing of research samples.

Were patients/families involved in developing the patient-centric model? Will they continue to be involved in its evaluation?

Yes, patients and families were significant contributors to the model. We’ll continue to evolve and improve the model through their input and feedback; we’re in the process of creating a Patient Satisfaction for Research survey to gather this more directly.

Can we schedule Dr. Rafael Veintimilla to present about on the ground and patient-centric processes?

You can reach Dr. Veintimilla via email.


We are also building a portfolio management group that will work with PIs and ancillary groups in the clinical care space to assess feasibility and operationalize study protocols.

Will support be available to help staff, participants and study teams to implement the integrated model for studies?

We are aware that the integrated model is new to many of you. UW CTI is available and will work with you to get this model in motion for your participants and teams at Eastpark. Please feel free to reach out any time.


Please reach out to eastparkresearch@med.wisc.edu if you are planning a study that will be at Eastpark.


How do we schedule rooms in the CRU?

This workflow is in process. We’ll provide further updates once it’s finalized.

How do we schedule the research-only rooms in the administrative space on the 2nd Floor of the North Tower?

These rooms will be scheduled in Health Link. Scheduling workflows are in development, and we will provide further updates once they’re finalized.

What are the hours for the Infusion Center?

8 am – 8 pm, Monday through Friday (Infusion Center and Cancer Symptom Management Clinic)


8 am – 12 pm, Saturday (Infusion Center)


8 am – 2 pm, Saturday (Cancer Symptom Management Clinic)

What are the hours for the CRU?

8 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

Will research theranostics take place at Eastpark?

At this time, only Phase 3, standard of care research theranostics is planned for Eastpark. Phase 1 and 2 trials will remain at University Hospital.

How soon will we start scheduling participants at Eastpark? Which research activities can be supported there?

Scheduling will be dependent on the capabilities required for a particular visit within a given study.


Scheduling templates for Oncology will open in late August.


Scheduling templates for the CRU and Research-Only rooms will open in late September.

Will study teams be able to use the research lab space to process samples themselves?

There is an area in lab where samples from study teams can be processed. We will provide a more thorough update once we have a process mapped out.

Will Eastpark be open to all study teams/studies? If not, how will it be determined which studies/teams can utilize this space?

Eastpark resources are available to all study teams. Upon opening, use of the CRU will be limited to oncology studies given their complexity. Once operations are sorted (likely sometime Q1 of CY25), we will open the CRU to other studies.

Does the CRU's proximity to oncology/infusion signal that oncology-focused clinical research will be prioritized?

The CRU will serve all types of clinical research. Placing the CRU and infusion center in close proximity is intentional to allow flexibility across the spaces.
CRU usage will be limited to oncology initially, and we expect to open it up to other studies in Q1 of CY25.

Will the CRU be able to support pediatric participants?

Currently, the CRU has capability to support adult participants only.

What floor/wing will sterile drug preparation take place?

There is PRC space contiguous with the infusion pharmacy on second floor north. The locations are contiguous with each other for investigational and standard of care.

Will non-CTI/CRU staff have access to lab equipment to spin down samples and ship them out via FedEx or freezer storage?

Yes, while CTI has our own staff, we will provide infrastructure for everyone. We are not our own group that provides services just for us. We provide access, space, services for everyone at UW Health and UW SMPH. There will be required training for staff working at Eastpark since we are in a clinical setting.

Will the CRU be able to support procedures such as lumbar puncture at Eastpark?

Yes, the CRU will be able to support activities that are appropriate for an ambulatory care setting at Eastpark.

Will there be shared info and documents for study teams to provide to sponsors (i.e., info about lab processing equipment)?

Yes, this will be available. An Eastpark video will also be filmed to send to sponsors.

Will we be able to schedule infusions at Eastpark if the investigator is not onsite?

Yes, you will be able to schedule infusions at Eastpark.

Are there day care options for participants? Can study teams use their own sitter? What needs to be part of the IRB?

We are still working on Eastpark research operations and will post an answer as soon as we are able.

Will clinical teams receive similar presentations so they have a shared understanding of the expectations?

Yes, clinical teams are receiving the same information. UW CTI will be onsite regularly for the first 6 months to help implement integrated workflows between study teams and clinical teams. There will also be training for UW Health about research so that they get more comfortable with research and know their resources for questions and issues.


What is the plan for sample transport?

Samples will be transported between Eastpark and UH/WIMR Monday – Friday, from 0700 – 1845 (no weekend/holiday service).


Trips will leave each location every 30 minutes.


    • UH/WIMR: The first pick-up will be at 0700; the last drop-off will be at 1845 at Eastpark.
    • Eastpark: The first pick-up will be at 0700; the last drop-off will be at 1845 at UH/WIMR.


View the Research & Employee/Learner Shuttle schedule …

Is shuttle service planned for staff, clinicians?

Shuttle service will run concurrent with the courier schedule posted above.