Research Recruitment Resources

Research Recruitment Resources

Below are some resources to assist UW | UW Health study teams with clinical trials recruitment efforts.

Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) Research Request

MMSD requires all research projects (including those where the only activity involving MMSD is study recruitment, and where all other activities will take place off site and the study focus is not related to MMSD, such as in the clinical setting) to go through its external research review process. The link above includes process and timeline information for making research requests.


SMPH Recruitment Core

The SMPH Recruitment Core is a collaboration between the SMPH Office of Informatics and Information Technology, the UW Clinical Trials Institute, and UW Health Information Services. The Recruitment Core’s mission is to utilize data and technology to optimize clinical research recruitment efforts at UW–Madison via several services.


UW Research Recruitment Email Service

UW–Madison, as part of its mission as a research institution, allows campus-affiliated researchers to use email to send its faculty, staff, and students information about research subject participation opportunities.
