
Move Medicine Forward!

Wisconsin puzzle map with "Participate", "Collaborate", and "Investigate" puzzle pieces over embedded imagery.The University of Wisconsin Clinical Trials Institute, a partnership between the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and UW Health, supports clinical research professionals and participants to advance discovery in the prevention, detection, and treatment of disease to help improve the health of individuals, families, and communities across Wisconsin and beyond.


Our exceptionally talented workforce provides care, support, and information to clinical trials participants; resources, training, and guidance to research professionals; and opportunities for industry partners to advance groundbreaking health research.


Whether you’re an individual wondering about how to join a clinical trial, a researcher exploring UW resources to advance your work, or a potential industry partner looking to foster and enhance healthcare innovation, the UW Clinical Trials Institute offers several ways to PARTICIPATE, INVESTIGATE, or COLLABORATE to help us Move Medicine Forward in Wisconsin and beyond!




Who’s Your Inspiration?


We’ve all been impacted by illness. Whether experienced personally or through the health challenges of a loved one, we all, unfortunately, know the hardships illness can bring to our families and communities. Participation in clinical research is one way to directly combat illnesses that have affected our loved ones and/or ourselves. Whether inspired to explore participating in a clinical trial by a personal journey, or the health journey of a friend or family member, our team is here to welcome you, answer your questions, and provide as much information as possible to support you with an informed decision.


Diversity of participants in clinical trials is incredibly important to science, to ensure that drugs and medical treatments and devices are safe and effective for a range of individuals. So, whether healthy or battling an illness, people of every age, race, color, gender, and sexual orientation, of all shapes and sizes, and from all walks of life, are needed. Together with researchers we can move toward a healthier future for generations to come. Research participants are partners in this critical effort to improve the health of all individuals, families, and communities in Wisconsin. Learn more about how you can get involved!




Fostering Discovery


Using science to inform improved prevention, detection, and treatment options requires an exceptional and comprehensive research workforce. We have an outstanding clinical research community at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and UW Health. We pride ourselves on the welcoming, supportive, and collaborative environment that relies on exceptional communication and facilitates open exchanges of ideas and opportunities for continued training, education, and professional advancement.


Learn more about the community, including opportunities to join our team, as well as how the UW Clinical Trials Institute supports clinical researchers and research teams with resources, training, and guidance to help foster and advance their critical work.




Partnerships Driving Innovation


As an Academic Medical Center known for innovation and discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison and UW Health is a great site for industry clinical trials. With a large service area, and over 750,000 patients served each year, we represent a health care destination for many in the Wisconsin and Northern Illinois service areas. We are home to the world renowned Carbone Cancer Center, an established Clinical Research Unit and have many unique specialty areas throughout our organization. We work directly with industry sponsors and contract research organizations (CROs) to ensure customized service to meet shared goals.

Virtual Facility Tour

Tour our facilities and learn about the comprehensive clinical research infrastructure at UW Health and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.


Promote excellence in clinical trials by enabling partnerships, creating operational efficiency, building capacity, and discovering care innovations for patients embedded in a culture of quality and discovery.

Blue telescope icon


MOVE MEDICINE FORWARD: Working toward a healthier future for individuals, families, and communities across Wisconsin and beyond.