From stem cells to technology, the next Wisconsin RISE initiative focuses on improving health

By Will Cushman, UW News

Today, Aug. 28, 2024, University of Wisconsin–Madison Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin announced that the newest area of focus for the Wisconsin Research, Innovation and Scholarly Excellence (RISE) Initiative, called RISE-THRIVE, will be aimed at advancing health and improving lives.

The Wisconsin RISE Initiative, which Mnookin unveiled in February, takes advantage of UW–Madison’s research strengths to address significant, complex challenges of importance to Wisconsin and the world. The effort is focused on accelerated and strategic faculty hiring, research and infrastructure enhancement, interdisciplinary collaboration and enhanced student opportunities.

RISE-AI (artificial intelligence) was the first area of focus announced under the new initiative, followed by Mnookin’s announcement of the environmental sustainability-focused RISE-EARTH in April. Read more…