A patient has their blood pressure checked by a healthcare provider.

UW launches improved payment system for research participants

The University of Wisconsin–Madison is rolling out a new system to make payment to research participants easier and more efficient.

The system, called “Participant Payments,” is a HIPAA-compliant platform that allows for payment of research participants for stipends and travel within a single system that is integrated with OnCore, UW’s clinical trial management system.

“The Participant Payments system will provide efficiencies that will help us more quickly grow the clinical research infrastructure at UW,” said Betsy Nugent, chief clinical research officer, UW Health and UW SMPH.

Participant Payments, which launched December 1, aims to enhance compliance while streamlining processes and workflows to increase efficiency, lower costs and increase participant satisfaction.

“The larger goal here is to heighten support for our outstanding clinical research staff and improve the experience of our essential clinical trials participants,” Nugent said.

Study teams may request approval to use the system via the Participant Payments KnowledgeBase page.

Learn more about Participant Payments at UWClinicalTrials.org/participant-payment-system.