09 Nov Bonnie fights melanoma with a positive attitude and humor
“I know He’s not going to give me anything I can’t handle,” she said.
Le Blanc was curatively treated for breast cancer and now is committed to fighting her stage IV melanoma with a fighting spirit, a positive mindset and a sense of humor. She makes sure to wear a funny T-shirt about her cancer battle every time she sees Dr. Vincent Ma, a physician-scientist at the UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center, for her clinical trial treatment.
“They always make me laugh when I see her in clinic,” Ma said of her T-shirt collection. “What I really admire about Bonnie is that she always maintains a good level of optimism and hopefulness.”
Le Blanc, 73, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in 2015 during a routine mammogram. A CT scan to see if the cancer had spread to other areas of her body also uncovered a small brain aneurysm. Le Blanc had previously been treated for a brain aneurysm in 1976, and she suddenly found herself being grateful for her cancer diagnosis.
“Without breast cancer, my other aneurysm may not have been found until it was too late,” she said.
After surgery to remove her tumor, as well as chemotherapy and radiation, Le Blanc’s breast cancer was cured. She then was successfully treated for her aneurysm. Read more…