Vaccine to prevent cancer in dogs in trial stages in Wisconsin

By Michele Fiore, CBS 58

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) — A vaccine to extend the life of man’s best friend targets its number one predator.  Cancer kills more senior dogs than anything else. Now, the university of Wisconsin at Madison is taking part in what is the largest clinical trial to date on canine cancer. And so far, it’s showing positive results.

These are difficult days for dogs and emotional ones for their owners.

“Our pets develop cancer at a high rate, and we outlive our pets so if you have enough pets over time, you’re going to have one that unfortunately develops cancer,” said Dr. David Vail, University of Wisconsin Madison professor and Barbara A. Suran Chairperson of Comparative Oncology.

The competent staff at UW veterinary care in Madison treats some 48-hundred cases a year of newly diagnosed cancer.

“Based on a patient’s CT scan that shows where the tumor is, she is going to contour that patient with computer software to tell the radiation machine where to treat and what normal tissues to avoid,” said Dr. Vail.

This is where dogs like Pipi go for treatment after a cancer diagnosis.

Scientists can only hope all of this will someday be unnecessary. A new canine cancer vaccine aims to target cancer cells before they even show up. Read more…