Clinical Trials

UW–Madison With more than 1,700 research participants and 20 years of data, the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (WRAP) is now the largest, and among the longest-running, family history studies of Alzheimer’s disease in the world. “I’m especially grateful to our research team, which includes our remarkable...

By Kyle Jones, 20 years ago, the UW School of Medicine and Public Health launched its landmark Alzheimer’s Prevention study. The Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention study started with just one person but has since grown to over 1,700 participants, the largest family history study of...

UW researchers are leading a new two-year study, funded by a grant from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), to increase representation in clinical studies....

Betsy Nugent, internationally recognized for leveraging clinical trials to transform research into therapies that help treat diseases and advance human health, brings a wealth of experience to UW as the inaugural Chief Clinical Research Officer. ...