04 Dec New mentorship program offers support, community for Indigenous graduate students
By Renata Solan, UW News
With new funding from the National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education grant, Indigenous scientists and educators at UW–Madison are formalizing support and mentorship for Indigenous graduate students on campus.
The grant provides approximately $1 million over four years to support the Center for Indigenous Research to Create Learning and Excellence (CIRCLE), which will be overseen by Judith Simcox (Crow; assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry), Danielle Yancey (Menominee/Santee; director, Native American Center for Health Professions), Jeneile Luebke (Mashkiiziibii; assistant professor, School of Nursing) and Lauren W. Yowelunh McLester-Davis (Oneida; scientist and director of Indigenous Science Advocacy). Read more…