Graphic of a squirrel and research-based icons.

Teens recruit squirrels to promote clinical research

Squirrels explore clinical research in new videos by teenagers in Southampton.

University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton

The ‘In a nutshell’ series explains how to take part in clinical research and why it matters.

The videos were co-created by a youth panel from the LifeLab programme.

The teenagers considered how to engage young people with research happening in Southampton. There was a focus on encouraging positive lifestyle choices.

Panellists interviewed researchers from the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre (BRC).

The animated series is being shared with young people across Hampshire. The full series is available on YouTube.

A new Clinical Research magazine containing articles written by the teenagers will also be released in the coming days.

The magazine will be posted online. Free printed copies will be available at University Hospital Southampton. Read more …