Honoring ‘Medical Laboratory Professionals Week’

In honor of “Medical Laboratory Professionals Week” (April 24-30), we at the University of Wisconsin–Madison Clinical Research Office would like to express our gratitude to all of the lab professionals in our clinical research community!

“The outstanding lab professionals in our clinical research community work tirelessly, often under the radar, to help drive the engine of medical discovery at UW–Madison and UW Health,” said Betsy Nugent, Chief Clinical Research Officer, UW–Madison and UW Health. “Their work is essential, and I thank them immensely for all that they do to help move medicine forward for the benefit of healthier communities in Wisconsin and beyond.”

Marking its 47th anniversary, this year’s “Medical Laboratory Professionals Week” focuses on the theme of “Giving the Gift of Health” and acknowledges and celebrates diversity among lab professionals who give the gift of health by driving innovation, fostering health equity, and improving public health and patient care.

Visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to learn more about the national Lab Week:  https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/lab-week/